The upward spiral

Recently, I moved the blog to, our own page! As own now, it’s just an implementation of this blog and I’m now gonna start posting only on that site, until we can fix a link to this blog. But go to that page for all the news you want about Leviathan or our works at Pixygon! I’ve also added a rather… puzzling post on the new page, be sure to check that one out and see if you can figure everything out! I’ll send whoever solves everything a banana!(It sort of just became the prize, and that’s what I can afford! So… Deal with it, I guess?).

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Beacon of light at night


This has been most of my evening tonight. I painted some giraffes with scarfs! Nah, just kidding. It’s something completely different. You’ll have to figure out what everything is yourself!:D I’ve also played the role of cartographer and mapped most of the levels into a neat map! System. Now, I’m going to sleep before another day behind the store counter.

Slow week in updates

Leviathan Cover Alternativ 2

By Filipe Hernandes. Check out more by him at !

So sorry for not having updated much lately! I’ve been doing a lot of stuff with the game you just can’t know yet, not until you’ve played the game yourself!:D Let’s just say I’ve been deep into the pixels!

Some of you might have seen the piece of concept art I’m sharing today, since it was one of the very first images from the world of Leviathan. For you other guys that haven’t seen it yet, enjoy it!:D Filipe did a very good job with it and managed to capture the atmosphere of the game in one picture! Next week, I’ll reveal some brand new, freshly-pressed screenshots from the game! Excuse me while I finish the scenes for the screens.

Check out more cool stuff by Filipe Fernandes on his own blog!

The weekend

Ah… Sunrise soothes me yet again, since I’ve not gone to sleep, but rather been up drawing, calculating, planning and scheming. I’ve not been that active on the blog the last couple of days, since I’ve been busy working on Leviathan. Well. Working on Leviathan is the “real” job I’m doing, so it comes before writing on the blog! It’s too bad I can’t show you what I’ve worked on pretty much all of this week… It’s just spoilers for you, I’m afraid 😦

But I’ve done some other things, so I might as well share a little bit of what else I’ve done! The whole team is now trying to focus more on pushing something more visual and interactive into the website we’re planning. Just now, I put the final touches on the concept of what might be our face outwards when we move away from this blog. I think I’ve got some neat ideas in the mix, and hopefully, we’ll create a website that can keep you busy until you can actually play our games! The way things are looking like now, it won’t be long at all until you can see what we have been working on!

But now, sleep calls for me.

Tomorrow is a new day to dream and create!

Co-Worker Approaching

Hi all.

I’m an independent filmmaker, writer and musician new to the Pixygon team.
I spend most of my free time dreaming up visual worlds, writing on my novel and handling vocals for the hardcore-punk band HUSK. I love video games and have always wanted to be a part of their creation. I want to be able to say, “I helped make that!”, when people talk about something we’ve made.

For Pixygon I’ll shoot some trailers and video based promotion, as well as help with the music and writing. I will concentrate on the details within our constructions, to ensure that they come alive for the player. There is a kind of magic to be found in games, the kind of magic you can’t find anywhere else. Games are the golems we let lose on the world after all.

What do I wish to achieve at Pixygon? I want us to create places so alive, that you can hear them breathe when you shut your eyes.


ps. Favourite game?! Earthbound! I had to 😀

Proto Leviathan

The past days I’ve tinkered even more with the Leviathan page, and added the old prototype that we had at NGA! I think you should be able to use an xbox controller, but I couldn’t test it out:( This is a really old proto, and it’s kind of wierd for me, since I’ve done a lot more and changed around since we first made it, almost a year ago. Because of that, it doesn’t truly represent the game now. But I’m throwing it out, so you can see some of the things I’ve been a part of creating, and what Leviathan once looked like! Check it out on the Leviathan page!

Sculptris attempt #3

alienThis is my third model made in Sculptris. This time, I tried to make a full body, , with limbs. I think the hands turned out pretty well, and his armor is cool! I used a lot of time to polish the hands to get the fingers the way I wanted. I really liked the material in the first two shots, the third one is as plain as I could find, that still suited him. His tummy is kind of wierd, but let’s just say that it is some sort of intestine parasite, yeah.

His name is Xorflogr, and he’s from the tiny planet Extruun VI. He likes to walk around his planet, and there isn’t much else for him to do, so that’s what he does. Last time I saw him, he had some trouble with one of the flowers in his garden. Wonder what happened to it? I hope I’ll see him someday soon!

I’m soon gonna update a bit more on Leviathan, the storms just need to settle in the right way, I want, them. I’ve got a few secret weapons in there.

Keep an umbrella close, the weather forecast of old say that soon,  Dead Fish will rain.